Lane's Signature Rub


Lane’s Signature rub is our sugar free, all purpose seasoning that is great on everything! Chicken, pork, beef, fish, shrimp, potatoes, eggs, and pasta can be ramped up to BBQ quality with a couple shakes and a pinch. Keep away from inedible objects ‘cause you may be tempted to eat those too!  Signature Rub is KETO friendly too!


Black Pepper, Kosher Salt, Granulated Garlic, Paprika, Ground Mustard, Thyme, Ancho Powder, Coriander

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Mon. to Thurs. 8AM to 4:30PM Fri. 8AM to 5:30PM Sat. 8AM to 1PM Closed Sunday


3453 Old Philadelphia Pike Intercourse, PA 17534