Kosmo's Q Texas Beef Rub

by KosmosQ


Smoked Beef Rub For Steaks and Beef Ribs

Onion and lemony garlic join forces with a secret blend to produce some seriously Texas-sized flavor. Designed specifically to taste like home on the range (in a good way), Texas Beef Rub is our homage to grillin' how we think it should be: simple, flavorful, and (dare we say) tastes even better than what mama used to make. Don't mess with the Texas Beef Rub!

INGREDIENT STATEMENT: Sugar,Salt,Garlic,Onion,Spices,LemonJuicePowder (Corn Syrup Solids, Lemon Juice Solids, Natural Flavors), And No Greater Than 2% Silicon Dioxide Added To Prevent Caking.

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