2 Gringo's Chupacabra Rub

Many chefs feel that MSG gets in the way of a good meal. That is why we give our customers an option so that they can choose the right rub for their menu. 2 Gringo’s Chupacabra BBQ rub without MSG has the same flavor and packs the same punch, so the only thing that will be missing from your meal with this rub is a little extra sodium. In fact, this is the perfect rub for people who love made-in-Texas BBQ rubs but live with dietary restrictions that require them to watch every little bite, a little bit closer.

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Mon. to Thurs. 8AM to 4:30PM Fri. 8AM to 5:30PM Sat. 8AM to 1PM Closed Sunday


3453 Old Philadelphia Pike Intercourse, PA 17534