
Dry rubs from all your favorites! Dizzy Pig, Lane's, KosmosQ, Killer Hogs, How2BBQRight, Meat Church and many local blends. We can never choose a hands-down favorite, but isn't that why we have cabinets to fill with all of these?
Lane’s Honey Sriracha Seasoning

Lane’s Honey Sriracha Seasoning

Lane's BBQ

Give your taste buds a sweet and spicy surprise with our Honey Sriracha rub. Goes great with chicken, pork, seafood, but pairs especially well wit...

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Mon. to Thurs. 8AM to 4:30PM Fri. 8AM to 5:30PM Sat. 8AM to 1PM Closed Sunday


3453 Old Philadelphia Pike Intercourse, PA 17534