
Dry rubs from all your favorites! Dizzy Pig, Lane's, KosmosQ, Killer Hogs, How2BBQRight, Meat Church and many local blends. We can never choose a hands-down favorite, but isn't that why we have cabinets to fill with all of these?
Meat Church Texas Sugar BBQ Rub

Meat Church Texas Sugar BBQ Rub

Meat Church

Add some spice using the Meat Church Texas Sugar BBQ Rub. This sweet heat rub is made with sugar, honey powder, salt, spices, garlic, onion and mor...

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Mon. to Thurs. 8AM to 4:30PM Fri. 8AM to 5:30PM Sat. 8AM to 1PM Closed Sunday


3453 Old Philadelphia Pike Intercourse, PA 17534